Canada, Ahead

Oil on Panel - 4 x 4 inches.

     This is an oil painting of a Broad-winged Hawk as seen in my woods on May 12, 2022. During the fall, they migrate in such immense numbers their flocks have been called a “river of raptors” – flying through Veracruz, Mexico, and Panama to the Andean forests of Colombia and Bolivia. At my home, I have oftentimes gotten out of my chair upon hearing this hawk outside of my window, only to find a Blue Jay imitating it perfectly.
     Their migration route spans approximately 4,000 miles and they travel around 70 miles per day. If this one came directly from the south of my home, it would have been in Burnett County, Wisconsin, the day prior.


Epic Journeys. (2021, Winter) Living Bird, 40(1), 26.

Kricher, J. C. (2020). Peterson reference guide to bird behavior. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.


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