Thursday, May 9, 2024

Pond Charmer

 Oil on Panel - 4 x 4 inches

     Male Hooded Mergansers have interesting mating dances, they’re worth a look on youtube and may make this bird memorable, especially if you've never seen one. This particular lone merganser visited my neck of the woods just after 7 am on Monday, April 29th. I was able to take several photos while disguised in dark clothing and hiding behind trees. The noise of the wind, rain, and rushing creek helped too, but I am quite certain this duck knew of my presence even though I oftentimes like to think I'm invisible. It is arrogant, or perhaps delusional, but sometimes I get lucky. 

     Luck allowed me to blend in with a tree, so much so that I became a tree while photographing this bird. Soon, two gray squirrels were at my feet. Not wanting to get squirrelitis (is that a thing?), I was going to have to move because I didn’t want them realizing I wasn’t a tree after it was too late. This meant sacrificing my cover. But it was either that or my life. Okay, I’m being dramatic here, but I sorta kinda thought that. The bottom line was that I wasn’t going to allow either of those squirrels to touch me ... no matter what. So, I nudged my right shoe, my faithful squirrel deterrent, three inches to my right. And that was that. The squirrels bolted and the merganser flew away. I was exposed, and it came as no surprise. Had nothing happened, this story would’ve been the tallest tale ever. 

     Stay wild my friends.

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